Culinary Oil Producing Company In Ireland for sale

Published: 19.07.2021
Europe - Ireland Agriculture industry
  • Sales Price
  • On request
  • Profits
  • On request
  • Asking Price
  • On request

A rare chance to acquire a multi-award-winning culinary oil producing company in Ireland.

Culinary Oil Producing Company For Sale

The company produces the only certified organic rapeseed oil in Ireland. This product has been awarded many times both nationally and internationally. Its unique flavor and exceptional quality are appreciated by both Michelin star chefs and home cook enthusiasts. The culinary oil-producing company for sale also cold-presses organic flaxseed oil.

Until this company started the growth of rapeseed in Ireland for culinary purposes, the country was importing all of its culinary oil. Now this brand has been selling its products to the Arabs! Many other establishments that were recently set up tried to copy this company but it is still the only certified organic producer of rapeseed oil in Ireland and the UK. Growing oilseed rape in an organic way is not a piece of cake, but the owner will share his experience. As an option, a new owner can purchase the seed from a reliable supplier in Europe and press it here in Ireland along with other seed oils.

Nowadays people have become more aware of climate changes and healthy lifestyle and are turning to Organic Produce. That is why both artisan and organic food are in-demand sectors in Ireland and abroad.

Sale Inclusions

  • Goodwill;
  • Rapeseed farmer contacts;
  • Customer base (distributors and purchasers of by-product included);
  • Website, email, social media accounts, etc;
  • Packing and processing unit;
  • Organic Certification;
  • And all equipment necessary to operate this business.

You can see other offers for sale in the category “Agriculture industry”.

  • Represented by broker?
  • Seller Financing?
  • Principals only?
  • Franchise?
  • Management will stay?
  • Relocatable?
  • Real Estate?

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