E-commerce Retailer Of Sportswear, Face Masks And Children’s Toys for sale

Published: 24.03.2021
Europe - United Kingdom E-Commerce
  • Sales Price
  • On request
  • Profits
  • On request
  • Asking Price
  • On request

Opportunity to buy an E-commerce retailer of sportswear, face masks, and children’s toys.

Overview of the business for sale:

  • Extensive international websites that cover one-hundred-twenty-seven countries in local languages and payment methods.
  • Warehousing and distribution facilities, ensuring seamless transition of European trade in a post-Brexit environment.
  • Large client base covering both domestic and international markets.
  • Stocking agreements across all divisions for a range of blue-chip products.
  • Blue-chip supplier for 5 leading manufacturers and launching own-branded products.
  • Strong management in place for each brand, with limited reliance on shareholders.

Growth potential:

  • Incorporation of a streamlined online retail operation into its existing portfolio.
  • Development of own-branded products across all brands to achieve increased margins.
  • Expanding into Europe and capitalizing on international activities and new supplier agreements.

This business for sale is a perfect opportunity for online and e-commerce suppliers or retailers of swimwear, sportswear, athletic wear, cycling wear, gym wear, and water sports clothing and online retailers of other consumer goods.

To get more information about this opportunity, please contact us.

  • Represented by broker?
  • Seller Financing?
  • Principals only?
  • Franchise?
  • Management will stay?
  • Relocatable?
  • Real Estate?

Interested in buying this business?

Write to us and we’ll contact you with the detailed information

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