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For sale a gym on a promising business model in Geelong! Business is ready for transfer to new owner.
This is the phenomenon of high-altitude training that brings the science that top athletes have used for over 50 years to achieve a competitive advantage, to the masses as the ultimate entertaining, engaging and diverse health and fitness service. Partner with a team of world-class business and fitness professionals, as well as world-class gyms and world-class business strategies!
Exclusive franchise territories now available in Australia and New Zealand! We are looking for those who are goal oriented and want to achieve financial independence and high profitability. The company has all the necessary procedures to make your concept a reality, whether you want to be an owner-operator or investor.
The gym franchise model, like its training environment, is one-of-a-kind and revolutionary, designed to give its partners a competitive edge and protection that ensures the long-term success, results and profitability of the company.
Buying a fitness business in Australia will be the right investment! You can also see other offers in the category fitness-clubs.
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