Yoga hall in India for sale

Published: 22.02.2021
Asia - India Fitness clubs
  • Sales Price
  • On request
  • Profits
  • On request
  • Asking Price
  • On request

Business Outline 

  • Our yoga studio hangs out in the packed market space of yoga schools in light of our honesty, standards, experienced instructors, information, special projects, and our unrivaled office. 
  • To date, in excess of 1,700 clients have taken our administrations. We as of now have 200 dynamic clients/bought-in individuals.
  • The current office has not arrived at its full limit yet. We presently work the greater part of the classes at 20% to a half limit of the lobby. With extra missions and showcasing exercises, we can draw in more customers and work at a higher limit which will thusly expand our income.
  • The studio has an ideal harmony among extravagance and yogic climate. Indeed, even ostracizes living in and around Chennai discover our office to be among the top tier.
  • Our income this year has decreased because of Coronavirus.

Items and Administrations Outline 

We give numerous choices to our customers for both on the web and in-studio classes with an assortment of yoga projects to take into account their prerequisites. We have yoga programs for all age gatherings and levels including fledglings and senior residents, yoga for the center, weight reduction, treatment, and furthermore lead progressed yoga meetings. 

Resources Outline 

Old fashioned furnishings, inside style, electrical fittings, numerous ACs, 2 PCs, a cell phone and rental store of INR 12 lakh. 

Offices Outline 

The studio is spread across 3,200 sq. ft. of space with rich yogic insides. The completely cooled office has two lobbies for bunch classes, a space for private classes, a space for instructors, a chief’s room, a storeroom, evolving room, a storage office, bathrooms with showers, and an enormous inviting gathering. Study halls are furnished with wooden floors making it simple for customers to rehearse yoga. The office is leased.


  • Represented by broker?
  • Seller Financing?
  • Principals only?
  • Franchise?
  • Management will stay?
  • Relocatable?
  • Real Estate?

Interested in buying this business?

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