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This company has more than 2 thousand clients, has been in business for 35 years and has a 36% profitability. Communications services company in Oakland for sale maintains and installs communications in the Bay Area with huge development potential. The services of the company are divided into 2 parts with an emphasis on the first: maintenance of existing systems with customers and installation of new systems, if necessary.
Maintenance of existing systems includes installation of security systems and installation of internal telephone lines. Communications services company for sale in Oakland performs installation of new communications systems accompanied by construction contracts. Installation applications are submitted for work within 30 days. Repair and installation are carried out in no more than 5 days.
If you buy the communications services company in Oakland, you have 4 FT employees at your disposal, two of whom work in the office and two in the field, they are responsible for maintenance and installation. The director takes part in the day-to-day management of the services and checks important development points. This business provides a very large work flow. There is a large client base and active contracts.
You can also see other offers in the category “General“.
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