Hot Tub Business in New York for sale

Published: 26.10.2021
North America - USA General
  • Sales Price
  • On request
  • Profits
  • On request
  • Asking Price
  • On request

Large showroom that sells hot tubs and fireplaces. Hot tub business in New York for sale was founded 25 years ago and has already gained recognition. There are many opportunities for development, the new owner needs to think about the right marketing partner.

Good niche position and great potential – hot tub business for sale in New York

When you decide to buy hot tub business in New York, you have a business that sells and services new and used hot tubs, parts and accessories. Profit figures have skyrocketed since the inception of the internet sales showroom. The current owner will happily provide comprehensive training for the new business owner. The store is nearly 10,000 feet in size and has a variety of bathtubs on offer.

The seller needs a partner to take advantage of the company’s entry into new markets and development in this area. Now the company generates significant income, but there is the potential to increase income several times.

You can also see other offers in the category “General“.

  • Represented by broker?
  • Seller Financing?
  • Principals only?
  • Franchise?
  • Management will stay?
  • Relocatable?
  • Real Estate?

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