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Almost all sales are generated through Facebook and Instagram ads. Kitchen remodeling business in Florida for sale deals with kitchen remodeling, design and installation, and serves South Florida. There are three main physical locations. 13 full-time employees including designers/sales representatives, installers and office staff. There is also a group of subcontractors for the installation. The company was founded in 2018 and has grown exponentially thanks to social media and Facebook ads.
The kitchen remodeling business in Florida for sale lists ads that target specific demographic groups that are more likely to be interested in improving their kitchens. One specific cabinet design accounts for approximately half of sales. There is also an assortment of cabinets and countertops in other styles. The current owner keeps track of the transactions and manages the client requests that go to his cell phone.
The new owner can invest even more in advertising, thanks to which the company will grow even faster and bring simply colossal profits.
You can also see other offers in the category “General“.
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