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This school was established and located in the city of Narsapur, Western Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh in 1982. It is a private institution that is affiliated with the government of India.
The high school in Andhra Pradesh for sale still works with 500 students. The school has a hostel, within a radius of 20 km you can use transport, which is an additional service. The principal has been awarded for excellence in the educational field, and the school’s average performance in government programs is at least 7.5 GPA points. The school is suitable for the implementation of any business development ideas.
The ready profitable high school business for sale grounds are private and autonomous, the school does not pay rent to anyone and is not affiliated with any kind of community or school network. School equipment is smart classrooms.
This is a profitable investment option because this sphere is popular and always in demand.
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