Upscale Massage Franchise in Texas for sale

Published: 06.09.2021
North America - USA Health care
  • Sales Price
  • On request
  • Profits
  • On request
  • Asking Price
  • On request

This is a great opportunity buy Upscale Massage Franchise in Texas!

Overview of Upscale Massage Franchise in Texas for sale

This is Upscale Massage Franchise in Texas for sale with a high volume of clients located in Plano’s wealthy business neighborhood. With any of their exquisite spa treatments, this massage franchise provides the ultimate relaxing experience. They’re open seven days a week and have longer hours, so you can come in after a long day and have a full-body massage or an enhanced facial.

As a franchise, all the locations are required to have a staff of licensed estheticians and massage therapists. This location has skilled, experience and licensed staff. There are total of 6 part-time massage therapists, 2 part-time aestheticians, 5 part-time receptionists and 1 full-time manager on site. All the services are tailored to the individual needs of each guest. Staff is trained to do their best to take care of any concerns or special requests clients have. There are 420 paying members of the spa which ensures consistently high revenue on a monthly basis.

Upscale Massage Franchise in Texas for sale is committed to its customers’ well-being and peace of mind. This company is being sold for a reasonable price. The seller want to pass the business on to a new and energetic entrepreneur who can take it to the next level.

You can see more other offers in the category health care

  • Represented by broker?
  • Seller Financing?
  • Principals only?
  • Franchise?
  • Management will stay?
  • Relocatable?
  • Real Estate?

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