Misc. Internet for sale


International Newspaper Media Company

Misc. Internet

A completely working Tier 1 paper media organization zeroed in principally on advanced English substance, disseminated through their site (100% possession sold), the organization has no commitments and no net asset report. Content distributed by Digital Newspaper is recreated by a few more modest papers and advanced news locales and is additionally filed as news content in the Google Newsfeed, any story or news story distributed can’t avoid being conveyed worldwide as multi-channel news. The organization has an exceptionally ease base and can work with a restricted staff, ideal for little groups of editors. Request more data about this extraordinary chance.

Premium themes and products

Misc. Internet

The best products are for you! Our specialists build your brand with dropshipping and Winning products help. Choose any business sector or niche you prefer. We provide:Proven products; Payments integration; Ad creatives; 1 click order fulfilment; Delivery in short terms.

Profitable business in cosmetic-dental niche

Misc. Internet

A dropping website without a necessity to invest money in advance. The main focus is a drop-shipping of cosmetic and domestic goods.  The business includes:No need to start from the very beginning; Full handover; Details of supplier; Full ownership of the website.    

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New online business

Misc. Internet

Very intense 24/7 business, which has already built a great number of followers. Can be operated from home. Requires deep involvement and knowledge of Facebook ads.  The operation system is easy to manage. The idea of business model is simple:you add a list of prizes on the website; People register and buy tickets for prize draw; After sold-out you provide an online broadcast and select a winner; Your profits depend on tickets sales revenue minus cost of advertising and prize. There is a training before a handover. 

A TV And Radio Company With Good Prospects In Kent

North America - USA
Misc. Internet

Since 2014, the company has built a customer base that now includes many large firms that often turn to meet their coverage needs. Has a good reputation sufficient to compete in the market. The famous Project Press company is located in Kent. Companies have a huge number of media and marketing projects for customers from all over the world.

MISC (Minimal Instruction Set Computer) for sale is a processor that operates with a minimum set of long instructions. The processors that make up the “minimum instruction set computers” MISC, like the RISC processors, are characterized by a small number of common instructions. At the same time, the VLIW “very long instruction words” principle ensures the execution of a group of consistent instructions in one processor cycle. The order of execution of commands is distributed in such a way as to maximize the load on the routes along which the data flows pass.

Thus, the MISC architecture business has brought together the superscalar and VLIW concepts. The processor components are simple and run at high speeds.

The MISC command system is so simple that it fits on one page.

It will be justified to buy this business. And our experts Eli Deal will help you do all this quickly and without problems.

Contact our Eli Deal lawyers to get a good consultation on the purchase of this business.

This category contains offers for sale related to the Misc. Internet.