Grill bar in Minnesota for sale

Published: 02.02.2022
North America - USA Pubs, Bars & Nightclubs
  • Sales Price
  • On request
  • Profits
  • On request
  • Asking Price
  • On request

A unique chance buy Grill bar in Minnesota!

Overview of Grill bar in Minnesota for sale

This prosperous and well-established full-service bar and grill in the USA for sale caters to a loyal client base with excellent food and service. During the pandemic, the company made numerous long-term improvements that resulted in a 75 percent increase in profitability and the commencement of a strong growth trajectory. Customers driving on busy roadways will find the restaurant conveniently accessible, and it is located in a growing community with a strong employer base. The restaurant in the USA for sale is housed in a standalone structure with a nice dining area, a relaxing bar, and a large patio. The deal also includes rental property.

You can see more interesting offers in the category “Pubs/Bars/Nightclubs”.

  • Represented by broker?
  • Seller Financing?
  • Principals only?
  • Franchise?
  • Management will stay?
  • Relocatable?
  • Real Estate?

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