Auto parts business in the USA for sale

Published: 31.03.2022
North America - USA Vehicles
  • Sales Price
  • On request
  • Profits
  • On request
  • Asking Price
  • On request

Selling a well-established niche auto parts business in Wisconsin. This business primarily offers Pontiac Fiero parts but also has parts for other vehicles.

Overview of an auto parts business for sale

Here presented is an attractive opportunity to purchase an online auto parts business which is truly a car enthusiast’s dream. Having bought this business, you will be working from your comfortable place, with your own schedule, helping other car enthusiasts take care of their cars. This business offers a wide range of very automotive parts that are difficult to find on the market for the Pontiac Fiero, Chevrolet Corvette, Lotus, and Ferrari. Many of them are proprietary. The process of selling is 100% online, the owner sells and ships parts to car enthusiasts across the globe. An unparalleled reputation and excellent recognition in the world of cars is what offers this auto parts business for sale to a new owner.

The owner has wholesale accounts that he supplies with different parts at wholesale pricing. In addition, parts are sold to suppliers overseas that distribute goods further. A part of the parts when arriving are ready to be sold, however, some of the pieces must be produced to make a product ready. In such cases, they are manufactured from raw materials in a detached garage. The garage is fitted out with all the necessary equipment, found in excellent condition.

The owner rents a small storage unit, where shelving, racks and work tables are set up, they are available for sale. This business can easily be relocated if the new owner has such a desire. Established in 1994, now the business is offered for sale because of the retirement of the owner. However, he wants to remain in business in a consultant/adviser role to be sure the business is successful. He is willing to continue developing new products for a new owner (at his leisure) and worth mentioning it is that he is very good at inventing new products. Currently, in business, there is a stock of more than 400 parts that are ready to ship.

This automotive parts business for sale is an excellent acquisition opportunity for a car enthusiast who possesses a variety of skills: customer service, auto repair knowledge, machining/fabrication skills, welding, etc.

Detailed information is available on request. Please contact us using an application form on this page.

*You can also see other offers for sale in the category “Vehicles”.

  • Represented by broker?
  • Seller Financing?
  • Principals only?
  • Franchise?
  • Management will stay?
  • Relocatable?
  • Real Estate?

Interested in buying this business?

Write to us and we’ll contact you with the detailed information

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