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Comes for sale with land and property! Based in Florida, this collision repair shop for sale performs restorations for all auto models and SUVs, paint and fiberglass services, fabrications and maintenance work.
In operation since 1985, the auto repair shop for sale has been servicing its community from the workshop facility comprising 11,000 sq. ft. The shop utilizes 9,900 sq. ft. for reparations and the remaining space as office space/reception area.
Growth opportunities include focusing on more aggressive marketing and establishing relationships to become a direct repair center for one or several insurance companies.
The sale includes the property which can handle additional capacity. It features great condition being located in a commercial-zoned area. There are 6 employees who would like to stay on post-sale. Along with the website and social media presence, advertising that was used includes Yellow Pages, print materials, and currently, the business relies on referral sources backed by a repeat customer base.
*You can also see other offers for sale in the category “Vehicles”.
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