Gas station with an auto repair service in New Jersey for sale

Published: 11.01.2022
North America - USA Vehicles
  • Sales Price
  • On request
  • Profits
  • On request
  • Asking Price
  • On request

A gas station with an auto repair service for sale in New Jersey is now available due to the retirement of the owner.

Overview of this gas station with auto repair service for sale

In operation for many decades, the business benefits from traffic flow which makes drivers stop there. Approximately 55,000 gallons monthly are pumped by the gas station. Affordable prices, expertise and excellent service mark the reputation of the well-known 3-bay repair facility that has been catering to the owners of autos, school buses, wheelchair vans and box vans for over eight decades.

Given the excellent reputation of the business, new customers come due to word-of-mouth recommendations. There is a tremendous amount of growth potential. Currently, the gas station with auto repair facility for sale is not advertised which represents a great opportunity for a new owner. At the disposal of the business, there is a parking lot for twenty-five cars; it can be redeveloped into a used car lot, or the 350 sq. ft. office space can be turned into a convenience store. The property is in the ownership of the seller and can be purchased as an option; it comprises approx. 12,000 sq. ft.

*You can also see other offers for sale in the category “Vehicles”.

  • Represented by broker?
  • Seller Financing?
  • Principals only?
  • Franchise?
  • Management will stay?
  • Relocatable?
  • Real Estate?

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