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Nowadays, no business can do without its own website. Any work on a website begins with the creation of its design, usually using a graphics editor. The WEB-designer usually creates several of these options for sale, but in strict accordance with the client’s instructions. At the same time, the design of the “Main” page of the site is developed separately, and then the design of the rest of the typical pages, such as, for example: news, articles, about us, catalog. Actually, the design itself is a graphic file, like a layered drawing, which includes smaller pictures in the form of layers in the overall picture.
The design, approved by the client, is then transferred to the layout specialist, who “slices” the graphic image into separate pictures, from which an HTML page will later be composed. In the course of such work, a program code is created, which can already be viewed using any browser (Internet browser). Well, as such, these standard pages will subsequently be used as HTML templates.
It will be justified to buy this business. And our experts Eli Deal will help you do all this quickly and without problems.
A lot depends on the website, since it is able to attract or, on the contrary, alienate customers, tell them about the company’s products, and so on. This category contains offers for sale related to websites, their development and implementation.
Contact our Eli Deal lawyers to get a good consultation on the purchase of this business.