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A company that sells kitchen utensils. Amazon Seller Central has 58 products that are sorted by 100 SKUs. Amazon website in kitchenware niche for sale is trademarked and listed on the Amazon 2.0 Brand Registry. It takes very little effort to generate profit growth.
All profits come from Amazon FBA sales. The business has a share of the profits from Walmart, but it is not included in the estimate. Most of the sales take place in the US and Canada. The current owner of Amazon website in kitchenware niche spends only 1.7% of its return on PPC ad spend on sale, giving the prospective owner room to explore further.
The vendor maintains the site and FBA listings, testing ideas and new product launches, and keeping analytics and inventory in mind. The manufacturer of the brand’s products is located in South Korea. The current owner does not own the brand name, but owns the TM, which is found on most of the packaging, to prevent competition.
The Amazon website in kitchenware niche for sale has excellent growth opportunities. This includes expanding product offerings to other international markets, more aggressive PPC marketing ploys, and optimizing social media channels through organic and paid advertising content. The offer included social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, but none of them were subject to monetization and there was no content for a long time.
You can also see other offers in the category “Websites“.
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