Commercial Modern and New Breeding Farm In Turkey for sale

Published: 07.05.2021
Europe - Turkey Agriculture industry
  • Sales Price
  • On request
  • Profits
  • On request
  • Asking Price
  • On request

The opportunity to buy a breeding farm with a beautiful location on the top of mountains in Turkey. Adana is a perfect area for the farming operation, so farms here are very difficult to come by. The total territory, 27K sq. m., of this farm with huge potential for growth makes it a highly attractive opportunity for buyers. This area features red soil which is considered to be the best type for growing agricultural products.

Overview of this business for sale

This business is a multi-generation breeding operation with a well-established farm, water, premises, equipment, land, tractors, and many other assets. The sale does not include cattle and feed, however, it may be bought at a separate cost, if the buyer wishes. This farm for sale is well-equipped with state-of-the-art machines such as tractors, a feed grinder and crusher, and mixing feed equipment. The company never purchases feed for the cattle from plants. It produces its own feeds that feature cheaper costs and higher-quality products. Since the farm is completely automated, only 2 zookeepers, 1 zoo tech, and 1 veterinary are enough to manage the business. Also, there is a 2-story facility of 300 sq. m. that can be utilized as an office and house. The barn is 4,200 sq. m. with automatic waterers and 8 surveillance systems. In addition, the farm has feed storage sitting on 600 sq. m., a 30 tones water tank, and 14 cameras for security. There is its own electricity system.

It should be mentioned about one important aspect of the breeding industry, Ziraat Bank. It issues credits that are five times cheaper than common commercial loans.

With a hands-on owner, this farm for sale has tremendous potential for growth, and the land value will grow. This new, technological farm is a lucrative business with 750 heads of cattle raised and sold half-yearly. A new owner could build a barn of 1000 heads to increase profits. It should be noted that all property on the territory of the farm is licensed. In the market, there are plenty of companies selling cattle so it is not difficult to purchase animals. Also, there are many meat processors that purchase cattle in cash.

The farm is in the ownership of a company and one person. This sale includes both the company and the farm.

  • Represented by broker?
  • Seller Financing?
  • Principals only?
  • Franchise?
  • Management will stay?
  • Relocatable?
  • Real Estate?

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