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Try not to miss this unique chance to make profit with purchasing Hotel in Monte Vista!
Hotel business in the United States for sale is a wonderful, historic structure with a 1930’s setting that is zoned for enterprise and potential. It has substantial tax benefits and is a beautiful, historic building with a 1930’s setting. The outside has visual appeal and is exposed to a lot of traffic. All of the units have just been remodeled.
Villa Pub, an on-site restaurant and bar/lounge, is available. A restaurant license has been granted. On-site coffee shop and breakfast bistro. Staff have access to a kitchen, various storage rooms, and a laundry facility.
Property manager on call for repairs, maintenance, and general assistance. All inspections, permits, and certificates for the elevator/lift are current.
Hotel in Monte Vista for sale is very profitable.
You can see more interesting offers in the category “Hotels/Motels/Resorts”.
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