News and articles

Photo news Overview – service station in South Africa

Overview – service station in South Africa

Fuel provision is an essential service in South Africa that contributes over 6% to the country’s GDP. It is also one of the most inelastic South African industries that can perform well in recessions. If you are experienced in the fuel industry, you can set up an independent station or purchase an existing franchise opportunity…

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Photo news AFSL License – what is it and how can you get it?

AFSL License – what is it and how can you get it?

Australia is the jurisdiction that provides businesses with a favorable environment for development and work. One of the most promising and demanded directions in the state is the sphere of financial services. Under Corporate Law, a person engaged in a financial services business must acquire a Financial Services License (AFSL) in Australia by submitting a…

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Photo news Cryptocurrency license in USA

Cryptocurrency license in USA

In the United States, cryptocurrency exchanges have legal status and are governed by the provisions of the Bank Secrecy Act – BSA. In practical terms, this implies that cryptocurrency exchange service providers undertake to obtain the appropriate license from FINCEN, involve the AML/CFT program in their activities, keep the necessary records and send reports to…

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Photo news Electronic money

Electronic money

Electronic cash (e-cash) is comprehensively characterized as an electronic store of financial worth on a specialized gadget that might be broadly utilized for making payments to substances other than the e-cash backer. The gadget goes about as a prepaid conveyor instrument that doesn’t really include financial balances in exchanges. E-cash items can be equipment-based or…

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Photo news Registration of trademark in the EU

Registration of trademark in the EU

A legal entity or an individual, regardless of the direction of activity, is granted the right to patent (register) and further use a trademark, own brand or logo. Key benefits of registering a product brand Ensuring trademark protection Emergence of an asset Protection from pressure and operations of competitors Defining and establishing clear boundaries of…

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Photo news Enregistrement de la marque dans l’UE

Enregistrement de la marque dans l’UE

Une personne morale ou un individu, quelle que soit la direction de l’activité, se voit accorder le droit de breveter (enregistrer) et d’utiliser en outre une marque, une marque propre ou un logo. Avantages principaux de l’enregistrement d’une marque de produit Assurer la protection des marques Emergence d’un atout Protection contre la pression et les…

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Photo news The International Trademark System in Madrid

The International Trademark System in Madrid

Trademark rights are distributed geographically. The system of Madrid jurisdiction is an economical and convenient enough solution to register and manage a trademark from anywhere in the world. The system of international registration of trademarks, adopted in Madrid, offers owners of certain brands the opportunity to apply a trademark and protect its uniqueness and autonomy…

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Photo news Le système international des marques à Madrid

Le système international des marques à Madrid

Les droits de marque sont répartis géographiquement. Le système de juridiction de Madrid est une solution suffisamment économique et pratique pour enregistrer et gérer une marque de n’importe où dans le monde. Le système d’enregistrement international des marques, adopté à Madrid, offre aux propriétaires de certaines marques la possibilité d’appliquer une marque et de protéger…

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Photo news RAIF in Luxembourg (Reserved Alternative Investment Fund)

RAIF in Luxembourg (Reserved Alternative Investment Fund)

Luxembourg is the primary investment area put on the planet after the United States with strong remaining as a worldwide asset center, and considers a wide scope of investment institutions, covering the sum of the asset systems on the global level after the US. The Reserved Alternative Investment Fund (RAIF) is a fund for putting…

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Photo news RAIF au Luxembourg (fonds d’investissement alternatif réservé)

RAIF au Luxembourg (fonds d’investissement alternatif réservé)

Le Luxembourg est la zone principale d’investissement placée sur la planète après les États-Unis avec une forte subsistance en tant que centre d’actifs mondial, et considère un large éventail d’institutions d’investissement, couvrant la somme des systèmes d’actifs au niveau mondial après les États-Unis. Le Fonds d’investissement alternatif réservé (RAIF) est un fonds de placement qui…

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Photo news Raising finance to acquire a business

Raising finance to acquire a business

It would seem that fundraising is an impossible task, but everything is much simpler than you might imagine The initial step for everyone is to choose the direction of the desired business. For example, you can open your own restaurant, amusement park, hotel, or any other business. After determining with this issue, one very important…

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Photo news Lever des financements pour acquérir une entreprise

Lever des financements pour acquérir une entreprise

Il semblerait que la collecte de fonds soit une tâche impossible, mais tout est beaucoup plus simple que vous ne l’imaginez. La première étape pour tout le monde est de choisir la direction de l’entreprise souhaitée. Par exemple, vous pouvez ouvrir votre propre restaurant, parc d’attractions, hôtel ou toute autre entreprise. Après avoir déterminé cette…

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